Dr. Andrew Marble, author of Shalikashvili biography: Boy on the Bridge

Boy on the Bridge: The first-ever biography of a remarkably unconventional “riches to rags and then back to riches” American success story: how a European prince-turned-stateless-penniless-WWII refugee became the highest-ranking officer in the world's most powerful military  by developing an unusual personal philosophy toward human interaction.

Dr. Andrew Marble: Andrew is avaiable for media interviews, speaking engagments, op-eds, and other media requests.

Andrew can be reached at:


Press Release

Boy on the Bridge Q&A


for the latest on the biography and the author


American Warrior Series

For Media

Andrew's recent talks, interviews, and writings

Andrew's Videos

Washington Independent Review of Books

Call Sign Chaos:

The Leadership lessons of former Sec. of Def. Gen. Jim Mattis

Literary Hub Book Marks

Literary Hub Book Marks Lit-Hub

Washington Independent Review of Books

Hilltop House

MiiR Flagship

NBC King Five


Times-Tribune and Columbus Dispatch

Why 1st and 2nd generation Americans are great patriots

Worth Magazine

Global Trade and Advisors Magazine

Looking to hire a top-notch CEO? Think retired military

The Hill

Merit-based immigration? Not if you consider the career of Gen. John Shalikashvili

New York Daily News OpEd

TV, Radio, & Podcasts          

C-SPAN:  2019 AUSA Conference

San Diego Radio's Mike Slater Show

Book Talks          

Scrawl Books

2019 Field Artillery OCS Alumni Reunion

Andrew Marble Fort Sill book talk on his Gen. John Shalikashvili biography,


Book Reviews         

Armed Forces Retirement Home

FEATURED: National Press Club

Washington DC,  Jan. 22, 2020

* Latest *          

"How does a Jewish kid from Brooklyn wind up sharing a foxhole with a pig farmer from Tennessee?"

Residence of the Iraqi Ambassador to the U.S.

"Boy on the Bridge"Book Party

Feburary 25, 2020

Andrew Marble on Gen. John Shalikashvili
Author Andrew Marble's inteview with WWII liaison pilot Maj. Paul Harrington

Joint Force Quarterly

The Biographer's Craft


PODCAST: Biographers International Organization (BIO)

National Bureau of Asian Research

Veterans News Report

"Boy on the Bridge" Q&A, Press Release, & Video

Artillery OCS Alumni Association

OCS Alumni Association Secretary Randy Dunham interviews Dr. Andrew Marble  on uniqueness of Shalikashvili and the  "Boy on the Bridge" biography

Boy on the Bridge: The Story of John Shalikashvili's American Success




Joint Force Quarterly

"I learned to pray a lot while flying"

"A devilish grin; a devilish mind"

PODCAST: New Books Network